Issue 13 OverviewIssue 13 OverviewDay Jobs (Offline Character Progression)Scholar? Caregiver? City Official? Now when players log out of City of Heroes / Villains they're just getting started! A character's day job is determined by the actual in-game location from which he or she logs out. If players log out from a University their day job is considered to be a Scholar. If they log out from City Hall they're a City Official. The benefits are thematically appropriate to the location. For example, a City Official earns extra Influence, a Scholar is granted Salvage, a Caregiver is granted Health Regeneration Buffs, etc.
Click here for more information. Multiple BuildsAnother character customization option and City of Heroes innovation, Issue 13 delivers the ability to have two different build-outs for each character, including which powers are selected and which Enhancements are slotted. With this feature it will now be possible for all characters to diversify their game experience by visiting any Trainer and switching the entire build of their character to an alternate one. You can use this separate build for whatever you like. If you wish to use different power selections for soloing and groups, you can do that. This even makes it possible to have different IO sets slotted for PVP and PVE. This new system gives characters the added depth and flexibility to tackle any challenge! New Powersets
Click here to view the New Powersets video. Leveling PactA new innovation to MMOs, this system allows you and a friend to create new characters and have your XP be permanently in sync, whether both characters are online or not. You will always be the same level, even if your friend plays ten times more often than you do! It's sort of like "Extreme Sidekicking." The Merit Rewards SystemA new game system that allows players to earn tokens by completing Trials, Task Forces, Strike Forces, Raids, etc. The most challenging and time consuming tasks grant the most reward tokens, which can be redeemed throughout Hero and Villain zones for recipes, enhancements, salvage, costume pieces, badges, inspirations and other game items. Villain Patron Power RespecVillains level 40 and above can respec (re-select) their Patron Powers, offering the same flexibility that heroes are afforded with Ancillary Powers. Supergroup Base RepricingBase Salvage is being replaced with Invention Salvage and all Base room and item prices are being adjusted to more accessible levels. Remaining base salvage can be traded in for invention salvage, or can continue to be stored in base and personal storage. PvE and PvP Powers RebalancingThere are a wide selection of PvE (Player vs. Environment) and PvP (Player vs. Player) related power changes in Issue 13. These changes focus on either Quality of Life issues or on powers which were not quite in balance with others. New Cimerora MissionsNew Hero and Villain story arcs expand upon the history and lore, and delve into the players and politics of Cimerora. Click here for more information. Other featuresNew Invention Origin Sets, new Costume Sets, Zone Refinements, and more! |